Meeting Points-Offstream project


THURSDAY ΟCTOBER 26 2023, 18:00-19:30

group of people visiting the permanent exhibitions

The activities are intended to raise awareness on issues of equal access and inclusion in culture, as well as to highlight museums as a meeting point for as many social groups as possible.

During the “Meeting Points” participants gather around a selected museum exhibit, and are invited to observe it, describe it, exchange opinions with each other and collectively compose its creative audio description.

In this way, the participants gain a deep knowledge of the exhibit, discover its characteristics, learn about its history, and are trained in the method of describing objects and exhibits, while at the same time collaborating and engaging with each other.

The event is addressed equally to adults with and without disabilities. All events are conducted in Greek language providing interpretation in Greek Sign Language and tactile aids.

Thursday, October 26th 18:00-19:30
Attendance is free, registration is required