Inscribed votive base of the Orchomenian cavalry who took part in the campaign of Alexander the Great, 329 BC

In his campaign against Persia, Alexander used the powerful Thessalian cavalry, but also cavalry squadrons from various Greek regions. These companies had as their leaders people from the various Greek cities, though they were under the command of Macedonian generals. After the victorious conclusion of the campaign in the East in late 330 BC, Alexander sent the cavalry of the Greek cities back to their homeland, making sure that they were brought safely to Euboia.

This testimony is supplemented by the oath of the cavalry from Orchomenos. The city was famous for its cavalry and had special reasons to be friendly to the Macedonians, as it had recently been rebuilt by Philip or Alexander after its destruction by the Thebans. According to the inscription, after their return from the campaign in the East, the Orchomenian horsemen, including a hilarch and 23 horsemen, dedicated a votive to Zeus Soter, the Saviour, to thank him for allowing them to return safely. The inscription is written in the Boeotian dialect.


The knights (horsemen) who fought in Asia under the command of King Alexander, when [The]odoros was ilarch, dedicated to Zeus Soter.


Propeis son of Theogeiton, Mnasidikos son of Athanodorios, Damosthenes son of Pourrionios, Thiodotos son of Po[— — —], … son of Dionysios, Dekeidas son of Melanbichios, Poloxenos son of Xenotimios, Antigenidas son of Simoulios, Kallikrôn son of Euryphaontios, Hechmon son of Hechmonios, Simias son ofPhaoulios, Thoinon son of Timogitonios, Diodoros son of Telesarchios, Kaphisodoros son of Arxillios, Apollodoros son of Telestas, Thiopompos son of Olympigios, Thiodexilas son of Mnasikleios, Kallisthenes son of Menandrios, Wanaxion son of Saondaos, Pankles son of Dorotheios, Eurubotadas son of Tallios, Hermaios son of Nikeios, Argilias son of Laonikios.